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February and April 2023

Dessislav made a series of presentations organized by the Future of Law Lab at the University of Toronto’s Faculty of Law.  The presentations explored specific examples of machine learning applications in the provision of legal services, such as adapting AI NLP to legal language; using AI models built on case datasets in the prediction of legal outcomes (such as through judicial analytics and substantive judicial prediction); employing AI in contract review, issue-spotting, and other due diligence tasks; and use of AI in adjudication. The sessions also sketched the lines between what AI can do and the areas of AI limitations where the competitive advantages of the human lawyer will likely persist. Further, the presentations examined how the law as a governance tool does, can, and should set the parameters around the use of AI in the wider society given AI’s broad ethical, legal, political, and socio-economic implications. It also reviewed the key areas of AI governance (such as AI in decision-making; AI implications for human autonomy, privacy, and surveillance; Legal responsibility and personhood)

January 2023

Dessislav made a presentation to the New York State Bar Association.  The presentation was entitled “Artificial Intelligence and The Law: Overview, Key Issues and Practice Trends”.  Some of the main topics covered during the presentation included: a foundational understanding of AI (e.g., machine learning and deep learning) and its essential taxonomy; practical demos of the current and foreseeable technical capabilities of AI in the legal field; given these technical capabilities, understanding of AI’s impact on the legal profession as well as its broader ethical implications; and the key areas of legal regulation in the United States regarding the use of AI

May 2022

Dessislav presented at the Berkeley Center for Law & Technology on the topic “AI Law Year in Review”.  The presentation was part of the series IP and Tech Month at Berkeley Law and examined the key highlights from recent years in the US and international governance of AI. 

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